Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Back Home

Just got back from Blackpool where a great 3 days was had at the BNP Conference.

Lots of instruction on the Saturday & the Conference itself on the Sunday. Arrived Friday midday so decided to attend the meal at night. This was my first conference but it will definately not be my last.

Lots of great speeches & debate on sunday & Nick's closing one was one of the best I have heard from him. Lots of decisions where made by democratic ballot not just imposed from the powers that be, but thats something this government knows nothing about as they just dictate to us all what we can or can not do.

But you do have a choice, if your fed up with been treated as a second class citizen in your own country the first chance you get vote BNP.

Dont believe what the media says see for yourselves at your local meetings.

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